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Immunization Information

Nov 14, 2015
Southdale ObGyn is partnered with MIIC (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) software. MIIC is a statewide network of shared immunization records.

Southdale ObGyn is partnered with MIIC (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) software. MIIC is a statewide network of shared immunization records. It provides clinics, health systems, schools and child care centers with complete and up-to-date immunization records from all over Minnesota. These records are secure and confidential. When an immunization is given at Southdale ObGyn the information is electronically pushed out to the MIIC software. Only authorized staff has access to your records.

If you do not wish to have your records on MIIC, call the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-201-5503 or 800-657-3970.